BBQ recipes for summer marinades

It’s been a season of good times at the beach, by the pool and around the Q. For more summer-lovin’, check out these light, zesty marinades.
Pomegranate Marinade BBQ Recipe
Time to get your superfood on with this sweet and sour marinade made with pomegranate. It’s normally used for lamb recipes but we’ve also used it for pork chops and can confirm it’s mighty tasty!
Tropical Marinade BBQ Recipe
If you’re after a marinade for a light chicken dish this is it. Infused with the Asian flavours of fish sauce, mirin and chillis, consider using any leftover marinade as a light dressing for a quick noodle salad (rice noodles and sesame seeds tossed with your choice of greens).
Middle Eastern Marinade BBQ Recipe
Perfect for prawns, scallops, fish and any other fresh seafood you can get your hands on. Janella Purcell used this for prawns and scallops and served them in the scallop shells. You can even use this as a marinade for whole fish on the BBQ (marinate fish, wrap in foil or place in fish basket and cook on the grill via the Indirect method).
Go wild with your own ideas for marinades this season or take your pick from our wide range of BBQ recipes.
*Image copyright Good Chef Bad Chef