Big Aussie Barbie

It’s that time of year when we join forces with friends, family, colleagues and neighbours to raise funds for prostate cancer. The best way to do it? Host a Big Aussie Barbie, of course.
We’ll let celebrity chef and grill enthusiast Ben O’Donoghue tell you about the cause…
Here are our top BBQ recipes for your Big Aussie Barbie…
Mexican Hot Dog BBQ Recipe
Ben O’Donoghue shares his homemade hot chilli sauce in this one. Wow, it sure has some kick!
Uncle Barry’s Magic Mushrooms BBQ Recipe
Continuing on with our chilli theme, these chicken and mushroom skewers also pack some heat. Feel free to adjust level of spice accordingly.
And here’s our BBQ tip for lighting your BBQ Starter (now available online at Masters Home Improvement).
Here’s to your best Big Aussie Barbie yet!
*This year in Australia, more than 20,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 3,300 will die of the disease. Learn more at