Why should I use Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes instead of other solid fuels?

Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes is used by hundreds of professional chefs in Greece and Cyprus. Together with home chefs across the country they choose Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes instead of charcoal because:
Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes can be put out and used again,
Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes do not burn fiercely when fat falls on them,
Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes are more economical than charcoal because they burn much longer,
Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes are cleaner and less dusty to handle than lump charcoal,
The performance Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes is consistent.
Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes is the leading solid fuel in Australia. It is also exported to the traditional barbecuing markets of the Mediterranean including Greece and Cyprus, the Middle East, United Kingdom and Europe. More and more people around the world want to enjoy the Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes experience.