Your BBQ Taste Mate has arrived
In our continued quest to spread the story of authentic barbecue, we are proud to bring you our very first iPhone App – BBQ Taste Mate.
The concept for a complete BBQ App has been on the drawing board for awhile now, but we had to make sure we had the right balance of recipes, tips and all the other interesting ingredients you’ll find when you check out our new creation.
We’ve selected some true blue BBQ recipes, mixed in with some modern creations, and added step-by-step tips to walk you through the cooking process.
Of course, we look forward to adding new features in the future – and we’re open to suggestions from you. Have a play and let us know what you think.
Available FREE from the App Store.
P.S. Don’t you think BBQ Taste Mate will go great with a new, premium BBQ? WIN 1 of 15 BBQs we’re giving away this summer. Find out more. Competition now closed.