Camp Oven Cooking with Style
Access to the Wonnangatta Valley, deep in Victoria’s Alpine National Park is by rough, deeply rutted tracks, which could not be driven by anything other than a four-wheel drive vehicle. Getting to the campsite under these conditions, sure works up a big appetite! While the terrain may be rugged, when it comes to the evening meal it’s nothing but the best of culinary cuisine, according to mates of navigator, and camp oven enthusiast Graham Carter.
Venison, lamb, vegetables and a good drop, not forgetting the Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes and a couple of quality cast iron camp ovens, were the essentials for the feast below, when the group finally arrived at Wonnangatta Station.
The menu:
Boneless leg of lamb (marinated for 24 hours) and a small roast of venison, placed on a rack inside the camp oven (aka a dutch oven), with a mix of water and oil in the base of the pot.
Pumpkin, sweet potato, potato and carrot, well coated with oil in the second oven. Make sure the base of the oven is very well oiled.
The meat, with a combined weight of just over 1 kilo was cooked for around 2 hours, and the vegetables for 90 minutes.
NB: It is a good rule of thumb to allow about 2 hours for every kilo of meat to be cooked.