Heat Beads® Team Attend HEAT Luncheon
On October 28, the Heat Beads® team attended a special luncheon organised by HEAT (Hospitality Employment & Training) – a youth reengagement program Heat Beads® is so proud to be supporting this year.
In attendance at the event were many loyal supporters of the not-for-profit organisation including Chief Police Commissioner, Simon Overland and other senior members of the Victorian Police Force.
Guests enjoyed a delectable range of dishes all prepared and served by the students. Some of the highlights of the menu included:
Lamb shanks, cous cous, beans, olives
Asian influenced tomato broth with blue swimmer crab
Deep fried salmon salad with Asian flavours
Lemon grass pannacotta with citrus salad
In between courses, guests listened to heartfelt testimonials of students who have benefited from the program – many who say they would have left home, completely dropped out of school (or much worse) had it not been for HEAT.
HEAT is a youth reengagement program that works with displaced youth between the ages of 16-20 who – for whatever reason – are disengaged from mainstream education. The practical program helps students gain accredited training qualifications and work experience in the hospitality industry – in the hopes that they will be prepared for ongoing, full time employment. Heat Beads® BBQ Briquettes is proud to be supporting such a worthy cause. To find out more or to make a donation, please visit www.heat.org.au